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jueves, 5 de mayo de 2016

black friday

black friday (purchases) "Black Friday" DCUSA.Gallery10.TargetBlackFriday.Wikipedia.jpg Day Black Friday, in a department store Target US, 2009. Meaning Day inaugurating the holiday shopping season. Celebration day following Thanksgiving on Friday. Venue America and Europe. [Edit data in Wikidata] It is known as "black friday» 1 (in English Black Friday) a day that begins the holiday shopping season with significant reductions in many retail stores and department stores. It is the day after Thanksgiving in the United States, and held the fourth Thursday of the following month noviembre.2 day This festival began in the United States, and gradually and with the help of new technologies and promoting this day by different companies has been extended for the rest of the world. Complementing the festival there is Cyber ​​Monday (Cyber ​​Monday), which is a day dedicated to online shopping and is celebrated on Monday after Gracias.3 Action

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